Butoh Center Austria

Butoh Dance - Butoh Workshops - Butoh Performances - Butoh Jam - Butohfestival

Butohresque Vol. 3 - Butohfestival Wien

Butohresque Vol. 3 findet statt! 

Butoh tanzen heisst (Butoh) leben! 
10 einzigartige Künstler*innen aus aller Welt werden daher trotz der 
neuesten Entwicklung 
betreffend Corona nach Wien kommen und auftreten - 
Ken Mai, Michiyasu Furutani, Haikumu Butoh Group und MayuKan - DaniMayu ButohDance Company wollen ihre Stücke mit dir, teilen.

Verpasse nicht die Gelegenheit, vier starken ButohStücke an zwei Tagen in Wien sehen zu können und reserviere dein Ticket 
(ACHTUNG: Entsprechend der neuesten Regelungen können nur 25 Personen (3G) eingelassen werden
 - vorherige Reservierung unbedingt erforderlich)


11:00-14:00: Workshop mit Ken Mai (JP/FI) AUSGEBUCHT
18:00: Fell in Turn von Michiyasu Furutani (JP/D)
19:30: Haikumu von Haikumu Butoh Group 
(Will Lopes (BR/AT), Ursula Pehlke (D), Maruska Ronchi (IT))

17:00: Swan Hymn von Ken Mai (JP/FI)
18:30: PanD'orA - Shades of Hope von MayuKan - DaniMayu ButohDanceCompany 
(DaniMayu, Runa Hatariy, Michaela Mab, Stephanie Tietz, Theresa Grießenberger)

Workshop mit Yumiko Yoshioka (JP/D) AUSGEBUCHT

Photo: Andrea Peri
Michiyasu Furutani (JP/D) Fell in Turn
Haiku' is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. 'MU' comes from Meeting With Unknown. MU in Zen meditation is *nobody'. In Chinese can be 'emptiness'. In this way, HAIKUMU, means a small poem to meet the unknown, the inner void that equates us and unites us to everything and everyone.
 Thinking of gravity as one of the crucial elements of Butoh, Michiyasu Furutani invites audiences to witness experiments on how gravity intuitively effects and binds us by interactions with several objects. The presentation consists of several sequences to assess the capability of gravity not only as an attractive force in physics but also as “a binding force” amongst the living and non-living things, in which the movements will reveal its relationship between biosphere and human being.

Photo: Andrea Peria

Haikumu Butoh Group (BR/AT/D/IT) Haikumu

Haiku' is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. 
Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. 
'MU' comes from Meeting With Unknown. 
MU in Zen meditation is *nobody'. 
In Chinese can be 'emptiness'. 
In this way, HAIKUMU, 
means a small poem to meet the unknown, 
the inner void that equates us 
and unites us to everything and everyone.

Photo: Timo Suutarinen

Ken Mai (JP/FI) Swan Hymn

This work is inspired by Anna Pavlova's The Dying Swan.

Ken Mai has created an innovative and contemporary way of work based on Butoh with prayer. It is a work that further integrates the elements of Butoh and classical ballet element to achieve such graceful contrast. A poetic representation of the surrealistic world where reality and fantasy integrate expressing anguish, joy, love, death, hymn, and sacred phenomenon with the mythical elements of swans that unfold between life and death. It drawing in space gracefully. The moment when beauty and ugliness overlap and darkness and lightness integrates leads the soul to ecstasy, which will be entered the eternity world.

Photo: Will Lopes

MayuKan - DaniMayu ButohDance company (AT) PanD'orA - Shades of Hope

For the 20th anniversary of DaniMayu, her ButohDanceCompany MayuKan was revived to initiate the piece PanD'orA - Shades of Hope. As a homage to her performances throughout the last 20 years, the artistic concept interweaves quotes from over 30 pieces of DaniMayu with original images into a genuine entirety.
Starting from Pandora's box, the members of the Company show various aspects of hope in the field of tension between the general positive connotation of today and in the sense of Friedrich Nietzsche's, which describes in Human, All too Human hope as the worst of all evil.


oder 014780609
oder: office@butoh-danimayu.com

Reservierung unbedingt erforderlich!

Kein Bankautomat, nur bar bei der Kasse. 
Die 3G Regeln beobachten!!

Single Tickets (1 Performance)
Normalpreis: 20€
Ermäßigung für Studenten bis 27 Jahren und Pensionisten: 15€
Regiekarte für Schüler, IG Mitglieder, Lalish Künstlerkreis: 10€

Day Pass (1 Tag, 2 Performances)
Normalpreis: 35€
Ermäßigung für Studenten bis 27 Jahren und Pensionisten: 25€

Festival Pass (2 Tage, 4 Performances)
Normalpreis 70€
Ermäßigung für Studenten bis 27 Jahren und Pensionisten: 50€

Bei Reservierung TicketTyp , 
bei Single Tickets und Day Pass gewünschte Performance und die Kategorie nennen; 
für die ermäßigten Karten entsprechenden Nachweis bei der Abendkasse vorweisen.

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